
Many Self-Made Millionaires Began Out Poor


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In Hans Christian Andreessen’s classic, The Ugly Duckling, a swan egg finds its way into the nest of ducks. Immediately after hatching, she is perceived by the other ducks on the farm to be ugly. They tease and belittle the ugly duckling relentlessly. Because she is made to feel like she does not fit in, she runs away from the farm.

While sitting alongside another pond, she encounters a group of elegant white birds. The ugly duckling sees how beautiful they are and one day courageously decides to swim out to the group of elegant white birds, hoping they will not shun her. To her great surprise they allow her to swim along with them, welcoming her into their flock.

Then, one morning while swimming along with her new friends, she happens to catch a glimpse of her reflection in the water and only then realizes that she wasn’t an ugly duck after all – she was a beautiful swan, just like his friends.

Many are born into poverty and start out as ugly ducklings. You can feel bad about being born poor and allow the circumstances you were born into control the circumstances of your life. Or, you can devote your life to changing your life circumstances – you can transform yourself from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.

In my Rich Habits Study, I’ve seen hundreds of ugly ducklings, people born into poverty, transform themselves into beautiful swans – self-made millionaires.

Do not accept your circumstances in life. Take control of your life. Seek to be exceptional. Never stop growing, learning and improving. Surround yourself with other beautiful swans and avoid associating with ugly ducklings.

Inside each one of us is a beautiful Swan waiting to burst forth.

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