
Catching up with Eire’s Carolane Soucisse and Shane Firus  –

By Matteo Morelli | Skating Photo by Yoriko Suzuki

Carolane Soucisse and Shane Firus have been representing Ireland for two years, having switched after seven seasons competing under the Canadian flag. We met with them in Tallinn, Estonia, where they competed at their second European Championships. We talked about the current season and their skating career, their decision to change federations, and they also shared details about their wedding in Mexico last year.

Carolane and Shane, thanks for speaking with us. How do you feel at your second European Championships?

Carolane Soucisse (CS): Overall, we feel good about our performances. Unfortunately, I made a mistake on the twizzle (in the rhythm dance), but I think that every other element was a step up from the rest of the season.

How did you come up with your music and programmes for this season?

SF: We definitely wanted something punchy for the rhythm dance. We worked with Kaitlyn Weaver on that, she came to us with a couple ideas. The first idea was more like a swing, big band theme, but our free is a big jazz thing and we thought it was too similar. Then we started listening to more James Brown, and she found two of the pieces we skate on.

CS: I guess James Brown was more similar to what we did last year (in the rhythm dance), something kind of funk, which worked great for us, so we thought it would be good to keep something that is in the same kind of style, and we love his music. “Get up offa that thing” was our first choice, and then we picked the rest accordingly.

This is your second year representing Ireland and working with the Irish Federation. How is it going with them?

Share Firus (SF): Ten out of ten! They have been really great to us through the transition, and they have been really supportive through last season and this season. It is nice, they really feel like they are behind us, so that feels good.

What led to you to decide to switch federations?

SF: We were just super stagnant in Canada, almost living a season on repeat. Domestically, we were always fourth, sometimes third, so then we were limited, even if we would do the Grand Prix season which, of course, was great.

CS: But after a few years, I guess we couldn’t go up to the next level. I always wanted to do the Championships and to have a shot for the Olympics, our transition was really the option of having more experiences and opportunities.

Do you still have a good relationship with the Canadian Federation?

SF: Yes, we left in good terms. We had some differences in opinion on the release, but that was fine, we then came to a resolution and from there, it has been totally fine.

What are your objectives for the current season?

SF: We definitely want to do top twenty again at Worlds. Last year, we were eighteenth in the free, but then twentieth overall, so doing better than that or repeating that again would be great, presenting two nice, clean, and solid performances.

What about the long run? Are you thinking about the next few years?

SF: We are definitely going one year at a time at this point. I think that is the mindset we are approaching each season with, so each season we assess and then go from there.

You are both in your thirties, with Carolane celebrating her thirtieth birthday this year.

SF: Some people are saying we are kind of young, but also older than most.

CS: We are the oldest of the youngest!

Longevity is quite a thing in the sport now, with the top three ice dance teams in the world being well into their thirties.

SF: Yes, for example Paul (Poirier), Marco (Fabbri), Evan (Bates), but also looking at Deanna (Stellato-Dudek)!

You might have another two Olympic cycles ahead of you!

CS: If we wanted, we could!

You have been a couple on and off the ice for years and you got married last year, on May 2nd. What are your best memories from that day?

SF: We were down in Mexico for a whole week, which was nice. We combined the honeymoon and the wedding all in one. We had an intimate service with just over thirty people. It was very hot that day!

CS: I know why we picked Mexico and that time of the year as well, because that was the only time of the year we had available, but I am not good in heat at all, and do not like it too much! At some point we arrived there and it was literally over 30 degrees Celsius at 8am, and I thought “why did I do this? I am going to be sweating, especially him in a full suit!”.

SF: Yes, that was warm! But everything went off without a hitch.

CS: We did officially get married before going, because Mexico has some different rules.

SF: Yes, you have to get an official medical assessment. We did a small civil ceremony in Toronto on February 29th, so everyone who couldn’t come to Mexico went to that one, and then the main one that we will celebrate every year in May is the big one.

CS: We did choose February 29th because it is quite a thing in Ireland, people get married on the 29th and we were thinking that if we have two dates to celebrate and one comes up only every four years, then we get two celebrations every four years, which is pretty good!

You both have your birthdays in February, with Carolane turning thirty this year, and you also have your first wedding anniversary coming up soon. Are you planning any big celebration for all these important events?

SF: We are going to Ireland after this, it is a present for ourselves. There will be some birthday presents for sure. For the wedding anniversary, of course we won’t celebrate the 29th this year, we will do the May 2nd one. We might try to go back to the resort in Mexico, because we should get an anniversary stay, so we will see if we can get that, but also a quick trip somewhere.

Lastly: what are your off-ice passions and interest?

CS: We don’t have enough time! (she laughs)

SF: We really like our dog.

CS: Yes, every time we are home we spend a lot of time with our dog, because we do work a lot. We like a little bit of everything, reading, video games. Shane reads a lot.

SF: I like to read history books, and sci-fi is also so good.

CS: He has diverse interests, he likes politics and extending his knowledge.

SF: I also like podcasts!

Thank you both, we wish you a joyful celebration of your birthdays and wedding anniversary.

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