Claire chatted to Anuradha Ranasinghe from Liverpool Hope University about haptic (touch) sensors for wearable tech and robotics.

Anuradha ranasinghe earned her PhD in robotics from King’s College London in 2015, focusing on haptic-based human control in low-visibility conditions. She is now a senior lecturer in robotics at Liverpool Hope University, researching haptics, miniaturized sensors, and perception. Her work has received national and international media attention, including features by EPSRC, CBS Radio, Liverpool Echo, and Techxplore. She has published in leading robotics conferences and journals, and she has presented her findings at various international conferences.
Robot Talk
is a weekly podcast that explores the exciting world of robotics, artificial intelligence and autonomous machines.
Robot Talk
is a weekly podcast that explores the exciting world of robotics, artificial intelligence and autonomous machines.
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