
The Upcoming LAMB OF GOD File “Will not Take 5 Years To Come Out”

“You bet,” Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe exclaimed when answering a question about whether there were plans for new Lamb of God music.

During Blythe’s impassioned interview with NME about his latest book, Beyond The Light, an autobiography that analyses the impact of art, sobriety, and surfing on his life and its ability to change his perspectives, the topic of hope became prevalent when not only speaking about the current political climate, but also about new Lamb of God music.

“There will definitely be a new record, it’s just a matter of us getting it all together. We’re always writing. I’ve been writing lyrics, my dudes write riffs all the time, and we’re documenting stuff.”

However, with Randy Blythe’s own book due to release, and the guitar player Mark Morton gearing up for a solo record and its promotion, it’ll likely take the band some time before they can fully finalize an album.

“But yes, there will most definitely be new Lamb of God music and it won’t take five years to come out, I promise. As of right now though, there is no concrete release date.”

So… if not 2030, then 2029? Just kidding (we hope). If the band are documenting what they are working on, and working on it consistently, we may actually get some new Lamb of God material sooner rather than later.

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